They must take account of all those social conditions which favor the full development of human personality. We would observe, finally, that the efforts of individuals, or of groups of private citizens, are definitely more effective in promoting spiritual values than is the activity of public authority. To the attainment of this end nothing can be more effective than those principles and that supernatural aid which the Church supplies. When He said "I am the way, and the truth, and the life," (2) "I am the light of the world," (3) it was doubtless man's eternal salvation that was uppermost in His mind, but He showed His concern for the material welfare of His people when, seeing the hungry crowd of His followers, He was moved to exclaim: "I have compassion on the multitude." This policy is in fact being pursued with considerable success by several of the socially and economically advanced nations. It demands, too, that all parties co-operate actively and loyally in the common enterprise, not so much for what they can get out of it for themselves, but as discharging a duty and rendering a service to their fellow men. 116. (64). Agriculture, therefore, must be allowed to make use of the same reforms in the method and type of production and in the conduct of the business side of the venture as are permitted or required in the economic system as a whole. Justice is to be observed not only in the distribution of wealth, but also in regard to the conditions in which men are engaged in producing this wealth. There are several reasons why this is so; among them We can mention man's deep-rooted selfishness, the materialism in which modern society is steeped, and the difficulty of determining sometimes what precisely the demands of justice are in a given instance. World banking institutes, individual States and private persons are helping to furnish the capital for an ever richer network of economic enterprises in the less wealthy countries. 161. (59), 258. (49), 244. 103. This, he taught, necessitated an orderly reconstruction of society, with the establishment of economic and vocational bodies which would be autonomous and independent of the State. 104. Nevertheless, We believe that very often this movement of population from farming to industry has other causes besides those dependent upon economic expansion. You can find Part I here. On the contrary, everything must be done to minimize the ill effects of overproduction, and to spread the burden equitably over the entire population. Above all, all human activity reveals an innate human desire for truth. 26. 130. He that hath the substance of this world and shall see his brother in need and shall shut up his bowels from him; how doth the charity of God abide in him?" Hence, though the Church's first care must be for souls, how she can sanctify them and make them share in the gifts of heaven, she concerns herself too with the exigencies of man's daily life, with his livelihood and education, and his general, temporal welfare and prosperity. (49) Broadcast message, Christmas Eve, 1953; cf. 209. 96. Hence it is not the decisions made within the individual productive units which have the greatest bearing on the economy, but those made by public authorities and by institutions which tackle the various economic problems on a national or international basis. The magnitude of his achievements deserves ungrudging admiration; nor is he yet at the end of his resources. 101. (27) From this it follows that the economic prosperity of a nation is not so much its total assets in terms of wealth and property, as the equitable division and distribution of this wealth. It is a work, however, which needs to be increased, and We hope that the years ahead will see the wealthier nations making even greater efforts for the scientific, technical and economic advancement of those political communities whose development is still only in its initial stages. What are these demands? It brings into its service many branches of engineering, chemistry and biology, and is itself a cause of the continued practical development of these sciences in view of the repercussions of scientific and technical progress on the business of farming. AAS 35 (1943) 17. In the field of science, technology and economics we have the discovery of nuclear energy, and its application first to the purposes of war and later, increasingly, to peaceful ends; the practically limitless possibilities of chemistry in the production of synthetic materials; the growth of automation in industry and public services; the modernization of agriculture; the easing of communications, especially by radio and television; Faster transportation and the initial conquest of interplanetary space. It must surely worsen, even to the point of extreme hardship. The words of our divine Master are true for all time: "Seek ye therefore first the kingdom of God and his justice; and all these things shall be added unto you." Every effort must be made in the prevailing circumstances to give effective encouragement to farming enterprises of this nature. The continued development of this civilization, indeed its very survival, demand and insist that the Church do her part in the world. These, Venerable Brethren, are the basic principles upon which a genuine social and economic order must be built. Mother and Teacher of all nationsâsuch is the Catholic Church in the mind of her Founder, Jesus Christ; to hold the world in an embrace of love, that men, in every age, should find in her their own completeness in a higher order of living, and their ultimate salvation. 4. 107. And so the words of the Psalmist about the worshippers of false gods are strikingly verified today. The response of good Catholics to this appeal and the enterprise they showed in reducing these principles into practice is hardly surprising. To His Venerable Brethren the Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops, Bishops, and all other Local Ordinaries that are at Peace and in Communion with the Apostolic See, and to the Clergy and Faithful of the entire Catholic World. With this in mind, people and nations must never forget that property and wealth are not real “treasures” – the Kingdom of God is! We are sick at heart, therefore, when We observe the contradiction which has beguiled so much modern thinking. For this reason, too, investors are more inclined to put their money in industry rather than agriculture. Mater et Magistra calls for a greater awareness of the need for all peoples to live as one community with a common good. In dealing with the family the Supreme Pontiff affirmed that the private ownership of material goods has a great part to play in promoting the welfare of family life. Now, if ever, is the time to insist on a more widespread distribution of property, in view of the rapid economic development of an increasing number of States. In the first place, those nations which are still only at the beginning of their journey along the road to economic development would do well to consider carefully the experiences of the wealthier nations which have traversed this road before them. 166. Experience shows that these problems arise whether the capital which makes possible these vast undertakings belongs to private citizens or to public corporations. It is vitally important, therefore, that Our sons learn to understand this doctrine. (September 16, 2019) Episode 35: Conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary (September 2, 2019) But We must remind you here of an important truth: the Christian conception of life demands of allâwhether highborn or lowlyâa spirit of moderation and sacrifice. In their social and economic teaching they have frequent recourse to the Leonine Encyclical, either to draw inspiration from it and clarify its application, or to find in it a stimulus to Catholic action. Ideally, such price protection should be enforced by the interested parties themselves, though supervision by the public authority cannot be altogether dispensed with. Among citizens of the same political community there is often a marked degree of economic and social inequality. In helping these nations, therefore, the more advanced communities must recognize and respect this individuality. Its theme is the role of the Church in the modern world, where she has to take the dual responsibilities of … It is a task which belongs particularly to Our sons, the laity, for it is their lot to live an active life in the world and organize themselves for the attainment of temporal ends. Besides, the resources which God in His goodness and wisdom has implanted in Nature are well-nigh inexhaustible, and He has at the same time given man the intelligence to discover ways and means of exploiting these resources for his own advantage and his own livelihood. (40) Allocutio, 3 May, 1960; cf. 89. As a world problem, the case is put thus: According to sufficiently reliable statistics the next few decades will see a very great increase in human population, whereas economic development will proceed at a slower rate. (32) Hence private ownership must be considered as a guarantee of the essential freedom of the individual, and at the same time an indispensable element in a true social order. 150. At the same time, however, this multiplication and daily extension of forms of association brings with it a multiplicity of restrictive laws and regulations in many departments of human life. AAS 36 (1944) 254. (7) St. Thomas, De regimine principum, I, 15. The natural consequence of all this was a spirit of indignation and open protest on the part of the workingman, and a widespread tendency to subscribe to extremist theories far worse in their effects than the evils they purported to remedy. 253. MAY 15, 1961 . Their work has to do with the life of plants and animals, a life that is inexhaustible in its expression, inflexible in its laws, rich in allusions to God the Creator and Provider. 78. Pope John XXIII wrote this encyclical in 1961 to continue the tradition of Rerum Novarum (1891) and Quadragesimo Anno (1931). This teaching rests on one basic principle: individual human beings are the foundation, the cause and the end of every social institution. We consider it Our duty to give further advice on this matter. It is therefore necessary, for reasons of the common good, for public authorities to evolve a special credit policy and to form credit banks which will guarantee such capital to farmers at a moderate rate of interest. In some countries arable land abounds, but there is a scarcity of population; whereas in other countries the position is reversed: the population is large, arable land scarce. For true Christians cannot help feeling obliged to improve their own temporal institutions and environment. This it is which guarantees the personal development of the members of society, which is the true goal of a nation's economy. It should ensure that the less developed areas receive such essential public services as their circumstances require, in order to bring the standard of living in these areas into line with the national average. All such reforms should correspond as nearly as possible with those introduced in industry and the various services. Great is their dignity, a dignity which she has always guarded most zealously and held in the highest esteem. Time and again He proved them by His actions, as when He miraculously multiplied bread to alleviate the hunger of the crowds. That is why, as We said before, she claims the co-operation of her laity. LATIN TEXT: Acta Apostolicae Sedis, 53 (1961), 401-64. (19), 43. To ensure this, farmers must be given up-to-date instruction on the latest methods of cultivation, and the assistance of experts must be put at their disposal. Farmers are unable to pay high rates of interest. The status of trade unions varied in different countries. (4) And these were no empty words of our divine Redeemer. Hence every economic system must permit and facilitate the free development of productive activity. 155. This suggests, surely, that the exercise of freedom finds its guarantee and incentive in the right of ownership. It is nothing less than an outrage to justice and humanity to destroy or to squander goods that other people need for their very lives. As a rule no single commonwealth has sufficient resources at its command to solve the more important scientific, technical, economic, social, political and cultural problems which confront it at the present time. 222. The effect of all this is to make the modern man more deeply aware of his own limitations, and to create in him a striving for spiritual values. Consequently, farmers find greater difficulty in obtaining the capital necessary to increase returns. A nation that acted from these motives would in fact be introducing a new form of colonialismâcleverly disguised, no doubt, but actually reflecting that older, outdated type from which many nations have recently emerged. The almost limitless horizons opened up by scientific research only go to confirm this truth. Public authority should resume its duty of promoting the common good of all. There is no reason for such a doubt to persist. 80. Attention must then be turned to the need for worldwide co-operation among men, with a view to a fruitful and well-regulated interchange of useful knowledge, capital and manpower. We, no less than Our predecessors, are convinced that employees are justified in wishing to participate in the activity of the industrial concern for which they work. They must gain an experimental knowledge of the subject, and that by their own positive action. To attempt to undermine this national integrity is clearly immoral. These three fundamental values, which are closely connected one with the other, mutually complementary and dependent, are: the use of material goods, work, and the family." It is discernible in the writings of the Popes who succeeded Pope Leo. MATER ET MAGISTRA. It must be determined in accordance with justice and equity; which means that workers must be paid a wage which allows them to live a truly human life and to fulfill their family obligations in a worthy manner. As Our Predecessor Pius XII observed with evident justification: "Likewise the national economy, as it is the product of the men who work together in the community of the State, has no other end than to secure without interruption the material conditions in which the individual life of the citizens may fully develop. The two can very well be harmonized. Since the writings on economics by previous Popes, the world had seen tremendous changes such as the discovery of nuclear energy, advanced communications, and political independence movements. (34). (21). On this basic principle, which guarantees the sacred dignity of the individual, the Church constructs her social teaching. This is a question which constantly obtrudes itself todayâa world problem, as well as one for the poverty-stricken nations. 143. Here We would like to express Our sincere appreciation of the work which the F.A.0. Workers should let their actions be guided by moral principles and respect for civil law in accordance with the common good. John XXIII also wrote extensively on the relationship between workers and managers, whose relationship ought to be “re-established” based on justice and equity. Knowledge acquired in this way does not remain merely abstract, but is seen as something that must be translated into action. Among these is a man's right and duty to be primarily responsible for his own upkeep and that of his family. Again, every sector of the economyâagriculture, industry and the servicesâmust progress evenly and simultaneously. They must instill in them an unshakable confidence in Divine Providence and a determination to accept the inescapable sacrifices and hardships involved in so noble and important a task as the co-operation with God in the transmitting of human life and the bringing up of children. Any other procedure would be a clear violation of justice, even supposing the contract of work to have been freely entered into by both parties. No Christian education can be considered complete unless it covers every kind of obligation. Economic and social policies should be pursued that will increase the distribution of property and ownership in business enterprises. It must be determined by the laws of justice and equity. AAS 52 (1960) 465. This is the second post on my thoughts on Mater et Magistra, based on the discussions of my reading group. Against this dark background, the brilliance of his teaching stands out in clear relief. And yet this very need for religion reveals a man for what he is: a being created by God and tending always toward God. But we must realize that they are essentially instrumental in character. [3], 1119 K Street 2nd Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814 Such men are appalled when they consider how these gigantic forces for good can be turned by science into engines of destruction. In earnest of these wishes, and as a pledge of Our fatherly goodwill, may the Apostolic Blessing, which We give in the Lord with all Our heart, descend upon you, Venerable Brethren, and upon all the faithful entrusted to your care, and especially upon those who respond with generosity to Our appeals. We are going to talk about one of the church's encyclicals!Are you ready?OK! Men, and consequently States, are in mortal fear of each other. On the contrary, we can hope that they will help him to develop and perfect his own personal talents, and lead to that organic reconstruction of society which Our Predecessor Pius XI advocated in his encyclical Quadragesimo Anno as the indispensable prerequisite for the fulfilment of the rights and obligations of social life, (26). 242. (30). Human life is sacred and is created through the family which must be maintained and strengthened. Consequently, a purely theoretical instruction in man's social and economic obligations is inadequate. They should be convinced that the best way of demonstrating the truth and efficacy of this teaching is to show that it can provide the solution to present-day difficulties. The main reason for this is the fact that they are living and working in different areas, some of which are more economically developed than others. In this way, agriculture will absorb a larger amount of industrial goods and require a better system of services. It was promulgated on 15 May 1961. Who would seek appropriate solutions to the point of extreme hardship the service human! Further advice on this point later on develops that side of his resources:. Is sacred and is created through the family in reasonable comfort essential personal.! 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