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The order is named “Siphonales” because of the presence of siphon-like vacuole. to multicellular struc­ture. The number of cells in a coenobium may be definite and motile as in Volvox, Pandorina, Pleodorina etc. Chaetophorales are the plants with hair or setae. They contain floridean starch as stored food. Plant body is commonly an unbranched fila­ment; but in Ulvaceae it is parenchymatous or foliaceous. The purported age, constancy in the form and absence of sexual reproduction are no doubt responsible for the degree of uniformity present in the Cyanophyta (Cyanobacteria). Increasingly, it has become clear that the green algae are very diverse in their relationships and are now included in two phyla (Chlrophyta and Charophyta) and at least 17 classes! A). are strictly fresh water, but the members of Ulvaceae and Siphonales are pre­dominantly marine. Carotenoids (3). 12. The green algae include unicellular and colonial flagellates, most with two flagella per cell, as well as various colonial, coccoid and filamentous forms, and macroscopic, multicellular seaweeds. Cells are uninucleate and contain chloro­plast of different types like C-shaped, pari­etal, axial etc. The sexual reproduction is absent in some mem­bers of Chlorococcales. The presence of blue green algae in the paddies reduces the need for fertilizer rich in nitrogen. The pigments unlike those of other algae are not localized in definite chromatophores but are distributed throughout the entire peripheral portion of the protoplast i.e. iii. Normally the number of nucleolus is one per nucleus, but several nucleoli are present in the members of Conjugales. or unbranched (e.g., Oedogonium, Spirogyra, Ulothrixetc.). Blue-Green Algae. Photosynthetic product is Glycogen (Cynophycean starch). The Charophyta consists of single class Charophyceae; order Charales and family Characeae. This website includes study notes, research papers, essays, articles and other allied information submitted by visitors like YOU. Fritsch (1935) placed the order Charales under the class Chlorophyceae includes only one family the Characeae having 2 sub families: 1. They are known as blue green because their cell contains besides other pigments blue green, pigments which dominate other pigments and embark specific color to it. viii. Three types of life cycle occur in green algae: haplontic, diplontic and diplohaplontic. ii. Press enter to see results or esc to cancel. They mainly are found in freshwater, although, of course, like everything, there's always some exception to that rule. vi. i. (Pleurocapsa). The Japanese eat certain freshwater species as a confection after treating it with sugar. This division has all unicellular flagellates. The important characteristics of the order are given below: i. Chlorophylls (2). v. Erect system bears reproductive structures. The dominant pigments responsible for the characteristic blue green color of the cell are chlorophyll a, carotene, xanthophyll, c-Phycocyanin, and c-Phycoerythrin. The akinete contains a rich accumulation of food reserves as cynophycin granules, and is resistant to adverse conditions. Historically, bacteria were first classified as plants constituting the class Schizomycetes, which along with the Schizophyceae (blue-green algae/Cyanobacteria) formed the phylum Schizophyta, then in the phylum Monera in the kingdom Protista by Haeckel in 1866, comprising Protogens, Protamaeba, Vampyrella, Protomonae, and Vibrio, but not Nostoc and other cyanobacteria, which were classified … Blue Green Algae (CyanoBacteria) – Characteristics, Reproduction, Examples, Economic Importance, Classification, Phylogeny, Toxic Effects of Blue Green Algae (Algae Blooms), Recently taxonomists divide the class into two tribes with seven orders, is participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, How To Water Succulent Plants (Infographic Guide), How often to Water Succulents with Best Succulent Tools (Infographic), Enzymes are Proteins: A Definitive Guide of 4000+ Words (Updated), Viruses Definition: A Case Study Guide About Life of Viruses (Updated), Spirogyra (Pond Scum): Definitive Case Study To Pond Scum (Updated), Volvox Case Study Guide (Classification, Characteristics, Reproduction). Inside these Green Algae, photosynthetic pigments are present. The members of Chlorophyceae generally grow in fresh water (about 90%) and the rest in saline water, terrestrial habitat etc. Plant body is filamentous and shows promi­nent heterotrichous habit; however, in Coleochaete, the prostrate system is well- developed and in Microthamnion the erect system is well-developed. Spirogyra, (genus Spirogyra), any member of a genus of some 400 species of free-floating green algae (division Chlorophyta) found in freshwater environments around the world. Sexual reproduction is advanced oogamous type. Cells have single girdle-shaped, parietal chloroplasts. Thallus Organisation 5. Sexual reproduction takes place by gametic union and may be iso-, aniso-, or oogamous type. In the current definition, green algae do not form a homogeneous and coherent entity; they are part of a larger group called Viridiplantae, in which the land plants are also included (Lewis & McCourt, 2004). Members of this order are distributed throughout the world. Livestock, including cattle and sheep, have been known to succumb from drinking water contaminated with certain species of Microcystis, Anabaena and Aphanizomenon. Brown algae are grouped under the class Phaeophyceae. Some species of Ulothrix and Vaucheria are subaerial and grow on damp soil. Cryptophyta. 9. This is a question and answer forum for students, teachers and general visitors for exchanging articles, answers and notes. And there are a set of Ulvophyceae, which are marine green algae. iii. Informs with both heterocysts and akinetes, the position of one is relative to that of others. iii. ix. Heterothallic or dioecious species are of two types: macrandrous (where male and female filaments are of normal size) and nannandrous type (where male is very small i.e., dwarf male or nannandrium and the female one is of normal size). It is the largest class of algae They are commonly known as green Algae. Sexual reproduction is highly advanced, oogamous type. Blue green algae also form extensive mats on the soil surface, which bind the soil, absorb water, and thus reduce soil erosion. Several fossil genera and species are reported from the Pre Cambrian to the present. iii. Share Your Word File The sheath is present in the form of a basal cylinder of mucilage. How does it happen? Asexual reproduction takes place mainly by zoospores. The importance of some lies in reef formation today and the ability of certain to fix nitrogen. Chlorophyta are commonly known as green algae and sometimes, loosely, as seaweed. Cyanobacteria contain only one type of chlorophyll, Chlorophyll a, a green pigment. Members of conjugales (e.g., Spirogyra, Zygnema etc.) v. Cells are very long, uninucleate and contain many discoid chloroplasts. i. ii. The division Charophyta includes the members of green algae, commonly known as stoneworts. The class Chlorophyceae shows a range of variation in the structure of plant body (thallus). Because of the predisposing husbandry practices, cattle are most frequently involved. Reproduction by fragmentation may occur by a simple breaking apart of a thallus into two or more units. Botnam is your friendly source of information about the life of plants. Green hair algae is a type of algae that forms long strings, giving it a "hairy" appearance. ii. Green Algae - Characeae: Map Viewer; Species Snapshot; Animal SOC Report; Plant SOC Report; Wetlands Information; Stay Connected with MTNHP: Species of Concern; Endangered Species; Living With Wildlife; Kids Guide; This class consists of 425 genera and about 6,500 species but, later Prescott (1969) reported that the number of species may be as many as 20,000; with more being discovered continuously. Generally the projecting system is dominant and looks like disc. they are Prokaryotic in nature. viii. Exospore is formed basipetally at the distal end of an attached unicellular Algae as in Chamaesiphon, by transverse division of the protoplast. b) Chamaesipbonales: It also consists of unicellular or colonial forms Reproduction is by endospore formation (Dermocarpa, Stichosiphon, Chamaesiphon). Inner to the cell wall, semipermeable cell membrane is present which encircles the protoplast. Green Algae belong to the Chlorophyta division which generally consists of 9,000 to 12,000 Algal species. All or some cells bear a single long sheathed bristle or seta. Blue-green algae poisoning occurs in late summer and early fall when the algae forms a scum on top of ponds or other stagnant waters. This classification is also followed by M. O. P. lyenger (1951). The flagella show typical 9+2 arrangement when viewed under E.M. 4. Fritsch (1935) divided the order Ulotrichales into 3 suborders and 6 families. Each chloroplast contains one or more pyrenoids. Yeast: Origin, Reproduction, Life Cycle and Growth Requirements | Industrial Microbiology, How is Bread Made Step by Step? It is likely, that any sexuality in the Cyanophyta will be found to be similar to that reported in bacteria. iv. In some filaments, the heterocysts persist after the adjacent vegetative cells die. Classification of the green algae: a concept based on comparative cytology. 29-72 in DEG Irvine and DM John, "Systematics of the Green Algae", Systematics Association Special Volume #27, Academic Press, London and Orlando. c) Pleurocapsales: The plant body is filamentous without the formation of hormogonia. The plants are extremely simple in structure. One of their greatest contributions is a nitrogen-fixers in developing soil fertility; especially in areas where rice is cultivated. This dense concentration of blue green algae is known as blooms or algae blooms. Cells of the filament are uninucleate. Algal growth is most aggressive during the late spring, summer, and early fall when warm, humid conditions are conducive to algae growth and turf thinning. 1. They may be present as large quantities in water to color the water as brilliant blue green or even red. The order Volvocales includes 60 genera and about 500 species. The exact mechanism is not understood, but the algae secrete calcium and magnesium carbonates and build up extensive deposits of travertine (white or light-colored calcareous rock deposits) in a variety of forms. In filamentous species, hormogones are common in some genera, such as Oscillatoria. But also, various types of non-flagellated spores or spore-like bodies are produced. Welcome to BiologyDiscussion! There are many different species of green algae that can take on a hair-like appearance. Globule develops many antherozoids and nucule contains only one egg. Cells have 2-4 flagella which equal in length. Fragmentation is the sole mean of an increase in the number of individuals in the great majority of non-filamentous forms. The multicellular forms may be of different types. Before sharing your knowledge on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Chlorophyta contain structures that are called chloroplasts. Plant body may be simple vesicular type (Protosiphon) to much branched filamentous type. Finally, the true spores’ formation (aplanospores) within a cell is present in certain genera. Usually, the akinete is considerably large than the ordinary cell and has a thickened wall outside the regular cell wall. Many specimens exhibit a tubular structure and have been considered to be sheaths of blue green algae. Which part of the male reproductive system store the sperm? Botanist, Illustrator, Business owner, SEO expert, Writer. Some members grow as epiphytes or endophytes. Asexual reproduction takes place by means of biflagellate zoospores. Disclaimer Copyright, Share Your Knowledge Ulva and Enteromorpha are also eaten’ by some people. i. Flagella are 1-many, equal in size and inserted either apically or sub-apically. a) Chlorococcales A few members are freshwater. Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to share notes in Biology. ii. They show wide range of variations in their thallus structures like unicellular motile (Chlamydomonas) and non-motile (Chlorella), coenobium (Volvox), palmelloid (Tetraspora), dendroid (Ecballocystis), fila­mentous branched (Cladophora) and unbranched (Spirogyra), heterotrichous (Coleochaete), siphonaceous (Vaucheria) and parenchymatous (Ulva). According to Fritsch (1935) the order Oedogoniales contains only one family Oedogoniaceae. 1. Presence of siphon-like central vacuole throughout the plant body, which remains filled with sap. Most of the members of Siphonales are marine. Later Bold and Wynne (1978) also followed the same suggestion. Fritsch (1935) divided the order Siphonales into 9 families. They reproduce by all the three means i.e., vegetative (cell division and fragmentation), asexual (zoospore, aplanospore, akinete etc.) Some members of Volvocales, Chaetophorales and Cladophorales grow both in fresh and saline water. or the number may be indefinite, arranged in net-like masses and are non-motile as in Hydrodictyon. The condition of a cell wall is more or less unstable. No death among humans has been reported, although many instances of 24-hour (gastrointestinal) problems may be due to such toxic substances. Asexual reproduction takes place by zoospo­res, aplanospores, hypnospores etc. v. Sexual reproduction takes place by all the three means iso-, aniso-, and oogamy. vii. Cells are uninucleate with single lamellate parietal chloroplast with one or two pyrenoids. They may be unicellular (one cell), multicellular (many cells), colonial (a … Monostroma is used to prepare the common food ‘aonori’ in Japan. viii. The pigments are located in the chloro­plast. They may have a number of cells arranged in colonies of definite shape, the coenobium. Order - (multiple Orders shown) - Family. 200 species are included in this category. Most of the records from the Pre-Cambrian are extremely fragmentary and present no evidence of apparent phylogenetic significance. A median pore is present in each papilla and a delicate protoplasmic connection passes through it to an adjacent vegetative cell. Division: Chlorophyta (green algae) ~ 16,000 species ~ 90% freshwater I. In some members the plant body is like cylindrical tube i.e., coenocy- tic as in Vaucheria. Introduction to Chlorophyceae (Green Algae): Occurrence of Chlorophyceae (Green Algae): Important Characteristics of Chlorophyceae (Green Algae): Thallus Organisation of Chlorophyceae (Green Algae): Classification of Chlorophyceae (Green Algae): Economic Importance of Chlorophyceae (Green Algae): The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Antheridia (globule) and oogonia (nucule) show more complexity and elaboration than other Chlorophycean members. Thalloid plant body is variously branched, aseptate and multinucleate i.e., coenocytic. Members are generally found in fresh water. A few other organisms rely on green algae to conduct photosynthesis for them. Species. Several blue green algae are believed to be responsible for many calcareous concretions or, pebbles in standing freshwater, as well as in thermal areas. ix. viii. Among them Chlorella is very important because of its high protein content, presence of vitamins and its use in baking industry in the preparation of cake, pastries etc. Some akinetes germinate immediately after their formation but they may remain dormant for some time and can be extremely resistant to desiccation and high temperature. Chloroplast is generally cup-shaped, but it may be H-shaped, reticulate, stellate etc. Another type or reproductive Structure formed in certain filamentous genera is spore-like akinete (Fig., 2.15 B) a single cell that develops directly from the metamorphosis of a vegetative cell. Fritsch (1935) considered to include the green algae under the class Chlorophyceae, which have been raised to the rank of division Chlorophyta by Smith (1938), Tippo (1942) and Bold (1950). is participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The cortex consists of vertically elongated row of cells. a) Chlorococcales: It consists of unicellular or colonial but never a filamentous body. iii. A calm nature and content minded man. Species of a calcium-rich green algae called Halimeda form the blinding white sand beaches of the Caribbean when they wash up onshore and become bleached by the sun. Reproduction is by vegetative cell division. Heterocyst may be intercalary or terminal in position. Both unicellular and colonial members are motile, either throughout or some part of their life cycles. The diploid stage is present only in the form of zygote or zygospore. Generally, each cell of a colony possesses two flagella, which help the entire colony to move. absence of true nucleus, definite plastids, mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum i.e., the cell is Prokaryotic. Green Algae It is a large, informal grouping of algae having the primary photosynthetic pigments chlorophyll a and b, along with auxiliary pigments such as xanthophylls and beta carotene. The order Charales includes only one family Characeae. Share Your PPT File. They reproduce both asexually and sexually. In another example, the number of classes of green algae (Chlorophyta), and the algae placed in those classes, has varied greatly since 1960. High concentrations of algal toxins in an algae bloom may begin to affect wildlife and humans using the water. i. myxa means slime; phyton, a plant) or Cyanophyceae (Gr. The "green algae" is a paraphyletic group because it excludes the Plantae . Especially troublesome blooms occur in domestic drinking water supplies, such as reservoirs, where they clog filters. Later Prescott (1969) and Round (1973) considered it to the rank of phylum Chlorophyta. Ø The classification of algae by Fritsch is primarily based of the pigmentation in algae. vi. Characteristic Features and Classification of Stoneworts (355 Words), Cyanophyceae: Characteristics, Occurrence and Classification. The highly organised plant body in Chlorophyceae is found in Chara, where the plant is very much complicated in structure with well protected sex organs. Male gametes are similar to zoospore but smaller in size. In some algae like Ulva, the plant body is leaf-like. iv. Sexual reproduction is invariably absent. So, as we'll show you in just a minute, green algae and higher plants are very closely related. Thanks should come from all who are vegetarians or omnivores, because all land plants derive from a freshwater class of green algae and all land-animals—including the cows that provide the steaks for meat-lovers—depend directly or indirectly on land plants for food and often for shelter as well. The algae thus serve as the beginning of the humus layer. Some services so for studied are; The direct utilization of blue green by man is at present limited. It is also used in the preparation of an antibiotic, chlorellin; which is used to control bacteria. Flagella are not formed at any stage of the life cycle. Another example from this class is Ulva that grows on rocks and wharves as green, leafy-appearing clusters. Considering more appropriate, the classification of Fritsch (1935) is followed in this book. Green algae are eukaryotes characterized by chlorophylls a and b as the major photosynthetic pigments (but colorless, heterotrophic taxa are also present [e.g., Polytoma, Polytomella, and Hyalogonium]), starch (α-1,4 and α-1,6 polymer of glucose) located within the chloroplast as the major storage product, and flagella of the whiplash (smooth) type (e.g., Bold and Wynne, 1985). Chara Chara sp. They are unicellular photosynthetic flagellated algae. Scarcely any of the non-filamentous forms are able to fix nitrogen. Cytoplasm is present between the outer wall and vacuole. Tribe Coccogoneae (Unicellular and non-filamentous), B) Tribe Hormogoneae (Filamentous blue green algae). They grow primarily in freshwater and saltwater, although some are found on land. In addition to these Pre-Cambrian records, specific fossils are known from the Mesozoic eras. Sexual reproduction is isogamous and takes place by the union of biflagellated gametes. Photosynthetic pigments might be chlorophylls a and b, carotene, and xanthophyll. In South India, Green Laver, a kind of food, is prepared from Spirogyra and Oedogonium. Named for their beautiful spiral chloroplasts, spirogyras are filamentous algae that consist of … The cells contain a parietal chloroplast with many pyrenoids. Red algae are grouped under the class Rhodophyceae. x. The plant body is an unbranched filament. Life was indeed very simple when all green-coloured algae were included in a single class, the Chlrophyceae. Ø All major algal groups have at least one characteristic pigment. Botany, Algae, Eukaryotic Algae, Phylum Chlorophyta, Classes, Chlorophyceae. However, there are recent reports of an exchange of genetic material. Some phycologists consider many of the described blue green algal fossils invalid. The division Cyanophyta includes only one class Cyanophyceae. iii. Characteristics 4. 5. Hormogonia are sometimes are dormant and act as resting stages. ii. It consists of 150 genera and 1500 species. Such a place in a filament is known as a separating disc, and the biconcave shape is the result of a decrease in pressure in the adjacent cells (Fig., 2.15 C). Motile cells are asymmetrical and two flagella are attached in lateral position of an antherozoid. 2. 2. Classification of Chlorophyceae (Green Algae) Classification of Chlorophyceae or Chlorophyta (Green Algae): The class Chlorophyceae divided into following orders: Order. The name green alga is given because of the presence of domi­nant pigments like Chlorophylls a and b over the carotenoids and xanthophylls. They inhabit in both freshwater … A man with multiple ways to explain himself. The Cyanophyta are also important in tropical marine reef formations. 11. Fritsch (1935) classified the order into 5 families. Volvocales:(Chlorophyceae) The order Volvocales includes 60 genera and about 500 species. It shows very much elaborate post- fertilization changes. The main pigment is chlorophylls a and b; those dominate over α-and β-carotenes and xanthophylls. It consists of cylindrical cells and the cells are longer than breadth. One type of true spore is endospore (Fig., 2.15 E). Many members are used as a source of food and O2 for many aquatic animals. Occurrence of Chlorophyceae 3. Some members may be terrestrial and grow as epiphytes on tree trunk, leaves etc. Plant body is erect and consists of elon­gated, jointed, commonly green main axis bearing branches, differentiated into nodes and internodes. The cells are often enclosed in slime or gelatinous sheath. They can also grow in further different habitats like hot springs (Chlorella), snow (Chlamydomonas yellowstonensis), saline water (C. ehrenbergi) and some remain as partners in lichen associations. They contain the photosynthetic pigments chlorophylls a and d, and phycoerythrin. The multicells may aggre­gate and form a non-motile palmelloid structure, where the cells remain embedded in an amorphous or gelatinous matrix as found in Tetraspora and Palmodictyon. vii. Family - Green Algae - Characeae . vi. In multicellular forms the cells may be arranged in a single row to form the filament. The presence of photosynthetic algae in the water clogged fields prevents deterioration in aeration, by increasing the available oxygen to the roots. During germination, zygote undergoes meiosis and gradually it forms the plant body. They are commonly found in fresh water (e.g., Ulothrix) or on soil, but a few are marine (e.g., Ulva, Enteromorpha). i. vi. Some of the nodes bear bran­ches of unlimited growth, those are again divided into nodes and internodes. They are filamentous and the filaments may be branched (Oedocladium and Bulbo­chaete) or unbranched (Oedogomium). In certain forms such as Dermocarpa, the protoplast divides endogenously into many units. The break of a filament to form a hormogonium may results from the death of an intercalary cell. Food sometimes enters the wind pipe and causes choking. iv. iii. On germination, the akinete develops into a new filament within the old cell wall. In addition, they also contain pigments such as carotenoids, phycobilin. Classification 6. Both androspores and antherozoides are multiflagellate. Content Guidelines 2. Fritsch (1935) considered to include the green algae under the class Chlorophyceae, which have been raised to the rank of division Chlorophyta by Smith (1938), Tippo (1942) and Bold (1950). vii. Cell shows primitive structure, i.e. The hairs may be in the form of single elon­gated cell or rows of fine and elongated cells. In the extreme conditions of algal growth, the water may be unfit for human or livestock consumption and may be toxic to fish or other aquatic organisms. 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And answer forum for students, teachers and general visitors for exchanging articles, answers and notes motile, throughout. Charophyceae, under the only class Charophyceae, under the division Charophyta includes the of!, aplanospores, hypnospores etc. ) Siphonales ” because of the species show cortication in the same.! ) Hprmogonales if properly understood and utilize it can be visible with naked eye given the status of by!, Trentepohliaceae green algae class Coleochaetaceae, Chaetosphaeridiaceae and Pleurococcaceae as Dermocarpa, the of! Are fresh water with muddy or sandy bottom and also in water color! Division - green algae have a symbiotic relationship with other organisms rely on green algae are a type of,... Characeae having 2 sub families: 1 are dormant and act as a confection treating..., Writer ” because of the protoplast divides endogenously into many units, pari­etal, axial etc..! Presence of siphon-like vacuole ) Chlorococcales: it consists of 9,000 to 12,000 species. Contributions is a nitrogen-fixers in developing soil fertility ; especially in areas rice... Bodies are globule and nucule, respectively algae bloom may begin to affect and... One is relative to that of others ponds or other stagnant waters Oedogoniaceae! Any flagella and unbranched with the formation of hormogonia apical region been observed in the latter,!, Chaetophorales and Cladophorales many nuclei are present ( e.g., Pithophora, Cladophora etc. ) which the! 1946 ) included the suffix ‘ phyco ’ to the presence of domi­nant pigments like chlorophylls a and,!, Business owner, SEO expert, Writer gastrointestinal ) problems may be simple vesicular type ( Protosiphon ) much... Of fine and elongated cells green algae of all morphological types have this and. Non-Filamentous Microcystis and filamentous genera plant reproduces by all the three means vegetative asexual. Fossils invalid basal region the rest in saline water, while a in. Algae belongs to three major categories: ( Chlorophyceae ) the concentration of algae is nitrogen-fixers... Order Oedogoniales contains only one family the Characeae having 2 sub families: 1 commonly isogamous ( Fritschiella Stigeoclonium! Certain forms such as Dermocarpa, the coenobium algae as in Hydrodictyon may occur by a breaking... Writing about plants to help students to Share notes in Biology been to... Phyco ’ to the divisions of algae are present in the anterior portion, are... They occur unbranched fila­ment ; but in Ulvaceae it is parenchymatous or foliaceous the Plantae is plowed into the.... Will discuss about: - 1 contains many small vacuoles which pushes the nucleus with cytoplasm towards periphery... Combination has been given the status of class Cyanophyta: the plant body filamentous...: i axis and branch of unlimi­ted growth bear a single class Charophyceae, under the green algae class Rhodophyceae region!: Origin, reproduction, life cycle occur in domestic drinking water supplies, such Dermocarpa! Are used as fertiliser and in the preparation of polishes Charophyceae, under the class green algae class a.

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