detailed lesson plan ppt

DepEd Tambayan does not claim ownership of all the content like document, photo, or video posted on our website. A Lesson Plan is to an instructor, an educator and/or a teacher what a compass is to a pilot. Distinguish the rules on different operation of integers. It gives direction on what is needed to be thought, how to teach it and the responses expected from the learners at the end of the session. <> II. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Download. 25 0 obj �mH����n��H�ޑ�'���ws�a3��j��/y�j���=��zԺ�� New! ��&�R��^���z������i`e^�Y�'���ǨԆ�74��*a�e0|=��a��&5]of^ �FH�B��i���C�q�~3�4�g4-��������12�v���wG;&p More files to be uploaded soon. Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics I (Using a Calendar- Months of the Year) I. 11 0 obj Author: This Is Geography This lesson template has a start page, tasks (inc extensions), a plenary page and upcoming learning and homework. Many teachers find lesson plans to be useful tools for organizing the classroom experience, from beginning teachers (who are often required to have detailed lesson plans approved by supervisors) all the way to the most advanced veterans who use them as a way to stay on track and ensure that the learning environment for each lesson is effective and thorough. &�R�K�ܺ. SUBJECT MATTER Share their life experiences in related to the story; and 3. Presentation: Giving Your Students the Information to Succeed. [ 22 0 R] LESSON PLANNING Goods define lesson plan as : “Outline of the important points of a lesson arranged in the order in which they are to be presented to students by the teacher.” For a successful and effective teaching planning is the first and the most important step. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to: a. ��KN��/˅S� NEW Files! 24 0 obj endobj Generally, for a teacher, it is a work to be covered in a class period which runs for 40 to 50 minutes. II. Grade Two Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) 4th Quarter All Subjects Grade 2 DLP Q4 All Subjects 1 - - Grade 2 DLP Q4 All Subjects 2 - - Grade 2 DLP Q4 All Subjects 3 - - Grade 2 DLP Q4 All Subjects 4 - - … Iݣ Example of Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan for Grade 10 Students. PDF; Size: 32 KB. Class would normally begin at around 7:30 am in the morning. A typical DLP contains the following parts: Objectives, Content, Learning Resources, Procedures, Remarks and Reflection. <> endobj <> Thank you! Sample Lesson Plans The lesson plans that follow are broken down into three categories. Presentation is the first step in the PPP lesson plan template, and is the most important. x��\�o�6� �?�E�")`�žZ���A���NlǺ�VΖ7���73�;#�����zP����o�.޾}����D�����������w���P�M�����/߈��ه��7�I!�����I��8�\*��J��Z@��r�v}~��[����췤�>�D�.e��w���ڬĺ�K\�x~�����pau*��x�-�4SF\� )�"5E/�ߠ�T��/�ؓ��-N�@qp� ֫$*����Z/e��zh��!�:���H�xJ�;�H�(}�Oo@�~]�\�.��VT��%���z�'�t�%ޝ�ǘoF�$�x;�WZ��8R��7|����R%u���Z�8���$+!1���1���5\�l��ŬZ�����.;h���[8�_2ݺCYؔ__/��h9�&�tK�-��m�%{��(v��4}{I���rCm��1�,��̍��\�Ÿ\�0)X�vb�����t&`6ʼnwCW8'�5��! In this PowerPoint lesson plan, 1st graders practice a holiday poem containing rhyming words and color words, and fill in rhyming color words into PowerPoint as well. Prepared by: Planning lessons can seem like hard work especially if you do not organise them in a consistent format. Grade 4 Daily Lesson Log. 22 0 obj We’ve also included a number of sample slides, from grammar-focused lessons. Ask students to take notes in student handbook (dotted lines are provided in the handbook for this purpose) when necessary. endobj Download DLP | K-12 Detailed Lesson Plans. A productive lesson is not one in which everything goes exactly as planned, but one in which both students and instructor learn from each other. endobj Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) is a teacher’s “roadmap” for a lesson. Diagnostic Test / Latest! 4 0 obj 19 0 obj �����v���Y�h@�� ?V����Z>5��&ݦ�sX�U�8�j�WS���IR���K���!�œ�G��8�[۪Xr�f�]۷Ja�CB�@�\�~�Pq\9�ue��O�г/��X7����Y���mS˶�Z����^jm���4RE����t.`4ac�l�G[��A6O!��cy�㻗�_������aeS����B���3��������� 18 Feb, 2017. b. Construct a mathematical equation using the four (4) operations of integers. ��� ;2 �=.��ӶMRk�)��� C�-. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. 6 0 obj 9 0 obj endobj <> <> 14 0 obj A DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN MATHEMATICS Operations on Integers I. At the end of the lesson the students are expected to the following with 85% accuracy: A. Teaching beginners can be as fun as it is strenuous. It contains a detailed description of the steps a teacher will take to teach a particular topic. A DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN MATHEMATICS Operations on Integers I. c. Recognize the importance of using integers in real life. <> <> �Z;Y�,�L��W����d�{p���N���Z��\b��^��k�5J��kMB�Å��۱ b. Construct a mathematical equation using the four (4) operations of integers. �rCxaCO�0�GW�K��$��O�wb']�Kw5���I endobj Apply the moral of the story "�7hwh�[ӓ9�@1y�ۺ��~"�~OMH�[=�ٕfBث�zzW�+���Q�Z"< (_�QX�I R㥂��*�}ZbF��a�l���>� To download just click on the links below. %PDF-1.5 Lyza Mae L. Cuatriz 1. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. A lesson plan provides you with a general outline of your teaching goals, learning objectives, and means to accomplish them, and is by no means exhaustive. <> 20 0 obj States of Matter or Solids, Liquids and Gases lesson plan and PowerPoint, with Worksheet on classifying items as being a solid, liquid or gas. Read more. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. Information on this page will be updated soon! <> The only difference is that a DLP is too elaborate while a semi-detailed lesson plan only lists the general plan that you want to discuss to your students. 21 0 obj BSEd III - English. Distinguish the rules on different operation of integers. This is your time to shine, to convey the information you worked so hard preparing to your eager students. endobj Lesson Planning. In this article, you will find our compiled Kindergarten to Grade 6 Daily Lesson Plan (2019 DLP). The PPT Lesson Plan template contains a number of slide guides that we use to build ESL lesson content at Off2Class. A Detailed Lesson Plan for Grade 10 Prepared by: Lyza Mae L. Cuatriz BSEd III - English 2. Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics I (Using a Calendar- Months of the Year) I. It contains a detailed … :�p�[�ӭ��H�[�?��z�sa�w���UR�,a=^���쫉0cPM�A�I/Ύ�s��JG8�t���ow�B/O{��:EI����� First graders change colors in shapes while using PowerPoint. endobj The sole purpose of a detailed lesson plan is to outline the program for a lesson in simple details, which will include the lesson's objective, how the objective is going to be achieved and a way of testing how well the objective was received by the students. endobj For example, your materials and objectives for a geometry lesson will likely be very different from those for a lesson on creative writing. A lesson plan is a fairly detailed plan of instruction. endobj If a teacher plans on delivering more than one lesson in one class, he or she can divide the material into multiple lesson plans. c. make artworks using the different color harmonies. That means you can teach a topic with all the materials already in place. Detailed Lesson Plan Example. If a teacher plans on delivering more than one lesson in one class, he or she can divide the material into multiple lesson plans. <> u��0R��a(H� �|!K�,�V- �*H >mC���T�$m���� �%Z@�kd�AP�I �E���(*� ��M_>eh ���E�ʧb$� <> 2 0 obj zi�؎ϓ��x4�� %���� In your presentation, do not read a lesson plan verbatim; make sure you are thoroughly familiar with the material you are presenting. Learning Objectives: At the end of the period, the grade 4 pupils are expected to: a. identify color harmonies; b. appreciate color aesthetics in indigenous arts; and. If a teacher plans on delivering more than one lesson in one class, he or she can divide the material into multiple lesson plans. Use the guides to help you build your own lesson plan styles and templates. : 9�}�-�/>#���d��]�ٜݣPa��7 �~�Պ-��́a'�+H24��/)� �;�[� ����M~��5��G�12��y9�,�Y[���u�'Q_�L8��}X�kz��7�9���ڪ0��MV]������]���q�k� �Ǖ�����=J�J ��A6���ȲT=29�M�|E����d�ޢe�E�N��l�J���"0� ��@��`��,�Kp�cB}�>v�㫏�x��� ���+� �^����y�G����\��˚N��Z!6��7W��1���IŮ��X�s� rG�n������-iFmf��-��h�L�@�s��&����? :�tNlC� <> Experience will guide how detailed a lesson plan needs to be. Practice good sportsmanship towards other people; and C. Write sentences using the degrees of comparison. 12 | Lesson plan template PowerPoint for PGCE student or NQT. endobj 8 0 obj x��ks�F�{f��#ձ.�A����;��Q�����(�ls"��(%�����|��LKl:�D`�X�,{��=�����+����^���O��ጇlv�� g����c�b%|��= ��5b���'����^�}��w�^M��zv1�*����i�b�i��5�^�:��|��/ ��O�\���{tc2M�� ������O��'Sm��48��f?? }�xG��Rh���'@Z���W/� �ׄ�����B�X$�pHޭ��m��ۦ8��<0|e�%�|��7EB�����v��~J��W���$�� H8��$$l�\i6���]�{x�&�W�$0l�04��Ɗ�r1����L���k\ߗ���_w-t����碉�8d�8,CQ�� ��H�!��b˶wK�ړ-X~3�X��E���q���b9AU*����Z���/����e�d���>�R�W����Y����JG���^���J��I����mq����)2�Hon�m�%l�l��5M�n��R�|B퇢�ʾvU�I6�a)� ؛���}�.G�~@��QjI. endobj 1 Jun, 2017 . If your classes fall into one of the other segments, you’ll need to adjust the lessons to best meet the needs of your students. Preview and details Files included (5) doc, 1 MB. Daily Lesson Log. Download Files Here / Periodical Tests. A Detailed Lesson Plan for ... Emaze is a popular online presentation software with an easy-to-use interface, learning aids, and the ability to create 3D presentations. endobj 26 0 obj endobj The sole purpose of a detailed lesson plan is to outline the program for a lesson in simple details, which will include the lesson’s objective, how the objective is going to be achieved and a way of testing how well the objective was received by the students. ��8�́:�dx:�P�I�L�I���W趾�d0���:�I�'>L祿����{11G�79�ws8>�Qb�cGGc������3ԝ h�HO^�0��^��oK��ܫ�@��i��:��J?#o�c���^mtsb(`�����D���Bxąϴ�w�k��tZLI��-(}v����vU�+'�E���xc.� (�� ��nΡ���JM3��饧� 2019 NEW DLP UPDATE! I. The sole purpose of a detailed lesson plan is to outline the program for a lesson in simple details, which will include the lesson’s objective, how the objective is going to be achieved and a way of testing how well the objective was received by the students. It contains a detailed description of the steps a teacher will take to teach a particular topic. Good day fellow Teachers. The sole purpose of a detailed lesson plan is to outline the program for a lesson in simple details, which will include the lesson’s objective, how the objective is going to be achieved and a way of testing how well the objective was received by the students. 23 0 obj 13 0 obj Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. No matter what your … If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. 10 0 obj Presentation planning is a useful and necessary skill in the professional world as well as school. Teacher Name: Mr. Penna: Grade: Grade 9-10: Subject: Other: Topic: Getting Started in PowerPoint: Content: Starting PowerPoint Saving a presentation Exiting PowerPoint: Goals: At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to launch the program, save a file, and exit the program. A standardised template format will help you to think about all the required components of a lesson, ensuring that nothing is over looked. Identify the degrees of comparison used in the sentences; B. I. Presentation, practice and production (PPP) is one of the the most used lesson plan formats in ESL. B����ȿ��%#e���|���hg�0w��VJ���[p�Q�AdCRp��XB�/u}�=!i5@� �d�vG��I�o�%������@+�;����|��J�u�3��� �Sn��e"l���ǪR���A|U-�Wc�B"±�MT��V�mss���tj@?��A���K�"��r��x嶱��y�l�����pc!�c����n,�1�>=�`` �#¼}z����@zG�v��8����C��I��z�I���ы�t5�� ����#���Npf����;������K(Ew�Q'���K&�=���N�/!W��E�n_€�y�}� �#?q� �) \�:��)� \���I��&���9��-N���O{�N��nz�|�;�";z��,��p��J���ܤ͉��7��C�� ��EG Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. The quality of your lesson plans will in great part determine how efficiently class time is used and how much content your students learn. Details. … 16 0 obj �*a�ʙm���U����`���߻;jΉ �_��nc����Ծ΃^M38l Download GRADE 9 Detailed Lesson Plan <> For the purpose of this article, the following lesson plans are written for a class full of students who have never used PowerPoint. Semi-detailed lesson plan is less complicated than the detailed lesson plan; although, it also has the same parts with the latter which are the objectives, subject matter, procedure, evaluation, and assignment. The first slide includes auto dates (so there’s no need to change the date every time you give the lesson) as well as space for keywords, learning objectives and a starter (inc extension). Detailed Lesson Plan / Download Files Here. Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) is a teacher’s “roadmap” for a lesson. He should have the clear aim of the lesson before … We need … 18 0 obj File Format. You can copy the sample slides into your own lessons and adapt them to your own style and needs. endstream To meet the specific objectives of the lesson, you must know exactly what you are going to teach and how you are going to teach it. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. 17 0 obj Warm them up! LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to achieve atleast 75% proficiency level in the following behavior: Cognitive: Name and tell the months of the year in the right order. <> See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. II. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 936] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> RPMS -COT Detailed Lesson Plans for Grade 1-6 DepEd Tambayan does not claim ownership of all the content like document, photo, or video ... RPMS -COT Detailed Lesson Plans for Grade 1-6 . <> ENCOURAGE students to stop you if they have any questions. A Lesson Plan guide for teachers should be self-exhaustive. Download K-12 Detailed Lesson Plans. <> Maximize the 4.1 Introduction to Microsoft Word Presentation (PPT). Making an effective lesson plan takes time, diligence, and an understanding of your students' goals and abilities. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. <> It is highly recommended to follow a standardized format to make certain that all the aspect of a lesson are covered. Grade 10 endobj Lesson 1 - Classify items as solid, liquid or gas (lesson plan) pdf, 167 KB . Visit where you can find lots of materials for Teachers and Students alike. 22 Jul, 2017. If a teacher plans on delivering more than one lesson in one class, he or she can divide the material into multiple lesson plans. 3 0 obj In one pack we most often have worksheets, Powerpoint, crosswords, word searches, mp3 listening, cloze exercises, board games and sometimes project cards. Answer: I recommend including the 7 components in all lesson plans as a basic framework to guide your lessons. It helps you think through the best way to present the information to the students. Search for files now So, what do you do to make sure that you have your students’ full and undivided attention? OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to: a. <> The same goes for the type of background knowledge you activate, etc. endobj endobj endobj A If your copyrighted work is found here and wish to be removed or taken down, please email … Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) is a teacher’s “roadmap” for a lesson. Beginner classes are often filled with younger students full of energy. endobj [ 15 0 R] 15 0 obj Loading... Save for later. ���-�+� �6���wKE�~��xUЂ�=5Q�"�|�p��n�֓�Vb�v�V�T��5*���h��㾥W�M���(G?׀�Ap�)���rү� ק���'�c�*`ܸ�DHv_V����0��]��CP�7��:i��wF����d)Ҝ��0p�3L^�3���0F��n�8�!�}_�V|C�+���eBKrE1�ɘ�~/h�*~��� �h�%\��#���LXzĥ����a(Z���*�FcZ�+�Q'q�w3�{��de�& Psychomotor: Trace and write the months of the year. More Grade 1 – 1st Quarter PowerPoint Presentations are now available. 5�������SqU��%���l�^�q���Z��j� Topic: Color Harmonies. stream <> LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to achieve atleast 75% proficiency level in the following behavior: Cognitive: Name and tell the months of the year in the right order. Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan 1. We… Read More » 4th Quarter COT Detailed Lesson Plans, Kindergarten to Grade 6 Thanks to all our File Creators, Contributors and Files Editors for sharing these files. 12 0 obj Sometimes, the day has not even begun and you are already feeling very sleepy. endobj �5`Ur�>�L-����;�nA�d��P$� endobj ]��B�ռ����Ŋ��:Z��ҡ����מ The following important components must be included in all lesson plans: Preplanning • It is important to know the subject matter you will be teaching. If a teacher plans on delivering more than one lesson in one class, he or she can divide the material into multiple lesson plans. A Detailed Lesson Plan in Arts IV - Color Harmony A Detailed Lesson Plan in Arts IV. Sharing the plan with learners (e.g., writing the objective and a brief description of activities on the board) keeps both the teacher and the learner focused on where they are going, how they are going to get there, and when they arrive. Daily Lesson Log. Planning Out the Stages 1. 1st Periodical Tests Now Available. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson the students will be able to: 1. The Term "Lesson Plan" is conveyed in a different way by different people. How to Make a Lesson Plan. <> PPP allows you to develop a structured, graded and time efficient lesson plan that conveys the material in an understandable way for your students. b. You can change your ad preferences anytime. You may refer to an example of a 3 hour lesson plan here. Free. Warm them up. You will need to develop clear and specific objectives. <> �$& : Dz��g� Subject matter: a. <>>> By depedteachersclub on January 16, 2020 COT Lesson Plans Download the all new DepEd COT Detailed Lesson Plan [DLP] Grade 1-6 All Subjects, It is Free and always will be. endobj Giving a Presentation; 4 Business English Lesson Plans; Teaching Telephone English; Marketing – Business English ; Beginners ESL Lesson Plans. 3. To save you lesson planning time, we have created lesson plan packs around different topics. There … Identify the main idea of the story and the main characters; 2. Go through the PPT slides using the information below to guide you. 7 0 obj endobj =��M}v��P0�o!J�x����#���1J�>��c?N�<8y9��e�}9����5�2;�Hs�����M���p��7�[c�[��0���(�m��֘l�(Etp��Eԣ,���xP>�t�x��� � Lesson Plan : Introduction to PowerPoint. c. Recognize the importance of using integers in real life. 1 0 obj stream �'=2v�PY�㴢TN}�xD����I��S{X/-A���a�N'�J�@V��&�&(G \ARܧa��u�6˧O���e [�{��ݎE9�`�7��R��G: P��{��� ��4�o�K������SQ=Q��^h� �`�Χ�y9@E��%|'�����J��=b���+јCC�*? S-LV-C pattern and The New Dress Lesson plan, English grade 10 tg teaching guide unit 2, Marinduque National High School, Marinduque State College, No public clipboards found for this slide. Looks like you’ve clipped this slide to already. Lesson planning Feedback, ask questions Watch & listen Watch & listen & ask questions Offer answers listen Register Powerpoint & Powerpoint; lesson plan pro-forma; 2 handouts Lesson plan sample Powerpoint handout My lesson plan handout as example Homework/assignments set: Draft lesson plan- … D��X`�T��e��AP�j�J�؏=�\��Y'`�b���hx����t�l�b�M���M:�9q^F�Zצ�:OX�e�Q�E����H��2&��L/8�-�VM bv����W{'���Wb.����҅���{��ͥ^;&q�A��l��-5��9�p{���j��%�����M]�X֍�n��J���g׮�0g ��^ل�aykK�C����gU�z���uK��#xg}rz�����m��+A��̝}���7U��9��@�M�#J�^�/�jC I����@7���W{���1�@�j�u���%$�����0���G� �6�z��{Zn6�����2����>�Ŕ�ʸTQN�=�)|����*��6�����IB����'��'k'��iq�+�7���6_T�o��]�Lj��Z���D2������}�4 �l~���.�;k�*<>C���:�#������GU���{��� ���G���1���7���ki�J�σ ��?a��9�X���݄:y�u7�Nj����m�$ϩ�7��\P���TS_��,�浛�N��F붅s}��f-ݜ�n��V⣖�^�7�2&Z��`��,����u�G(�4����r�$ݦ7B5�@��M�3����5��q 5 0 obj In this article, you will find our compiled Kindergarten to Grade 6 Daily Lesson Plan (2019 DLP). Whether you need to sell a product, or get a passing grade in your class, planning a presentation takes time and dedication. �t�Wa� �1?n � *4�5�'��֐��?mB��挹tn��W� �te�竼��v,J�����q�諹þ@�,ԭ��> f�4�����m��z=� ��1�("��}�� ���r�����b @^�(��Ιm�GT�]fk�Z�nh�! 18 Feb, 2017. endobj <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 936] /Contents 26 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 5>> A�qiA�Eq�;� ��s� +h���gP/(�By���ĝ��� e�׸u����[f.hZ$3{e!0��A�}�Q�d�~����s�+���DN�Y�mI�"��b���zI���"� endobj Of course, your components will look different based on the content you teach. 2019 NEW DLP UPDATE! Download K to 12 DLL | Daily Lesson Log. �ha-�sʾc�L E�6�e���I2��:I9�+F��=؈�u�G|�z@ The teacher should know beforehand what to teach and how to teach . We… Read More » 4th Quarter COT Detailed Lesson Plans, Kindergarten to Grade 6 A typical DLP contains the following parts: Objectives, Content, Learning Resources, Procedures, Remarks and Reflection. 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