in lmx leaders treat followers

Some researchers conceptualize leader-ship as a trait or as a behavior, whereas others view leadership from an infor-mation-processing perspective or relational standpoint. Itbegan with an emphasis on identifying the qualities of great persons, shiftedto include the impact of situations on leadership, and, currently, has shiftedback to reemphasize the critical role of traits in effective leadership.Although the research on traits spanned the entire 20th century, a goodoverview of this approach is found in two surveys completed by Stogdill(1948, 1974). As individuals,they seek more information on how to become effective leaders. 259–269), New York: Harper &Row; and “Social Influence and Power,” by B. H. Raven, 1965, in I. D. Steiner & M. A., & Foti, R. J. New York: Praeger.Seeman, M. (1960). New York: Harper & Row.Bryman, A. Leadership has beenstudied using both qualitative and quantitative methods in many contexts,including small groups, therapeutic groups, and large organizations. 56Strengths 57Criticisms 58Application 59Case Studies 60Case 3.1 A Strained Research Team 60Case 3.2 A Shift for Lieutenant Colonel Adams 62Case 3.3 Andy’s Recipe 64Leadership Instrument 66Skills Inventory 67Summary 69References 70  4. Areview of the scholarly studies on leadership shows that there is a wide varietyof different theoretical approaches to explain the complexities of the leader-ship process (e.g., Bass, 1990; Bryman, 1992; Bryman, Collinson, Grint, Jack-son, & Uhl-Bien, 2011; Day & Antonakis, 2012; Gardner, 1990; Hickman,2009; Mumford, 2006; Rost, 1991). For example, Bennis and Nanus (1985)maintained that there is a significant difference between the two. This viewpoint stresses the capabilities (knowledge andskills) that make effective leadership possible. & Roberts, J. • Each chapter includes an application section that discusses the prac- tical aspects of the approach and how it could be used in today’s organizational settings. In Chapter 2, we will discuss a large body of research that has exam-ined these personal qualities.  Development of Leadership  Followership. The theories that were developed were called “greatman” theories because they focused on identifying the innate qualities andcharacteristics possessed by great social, political, and military leaders (e.g.,Catherine the Great, Mohandas Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln,Joan of Arc, and Napoleon Bonaparte). On leadership. This benefits society by maintaining and sustaining an economy and secure nation. Each chapterends with a summary and references. 7 Surprising facts you probably don’t know about the US Army. Leadership Quarterly, 2(4), 245–287.French, J. R., Jr., & Raven, B. H. (1959). Preconventional Morality 331Level 2. Whereas the study ofleadership can be traced back to Aristotle, management emerged around theturn of the 20th century with the advent of our industrialized society. Neither option is necessarily the right option, because there are many ways in which leadership can be effective (Benson, 1994). Leadership, 3, 397-417. Behavioral Approach 71  5. One of the most defining characteristics of the servant leaders in the US Army is how they put followers first. Charismatic leadership catapulted to the forefront of publicattention with the 2008 election of the United States’ first African Americanpresident, Barack Obama, who is perceived by many to be charismatic,among many other attributes. It is concerned with how the leader affectsfollowers. Leadership Quarterly, 19, 161-177. Gender and Leadership 39716. 11–20). Trait Approach 19  3. Focus on the Leader-FollowerRelationships 3023. Management Sci- ence, 28(3), 315–336.Kellerman, B. Coercion often involves theuse of threats, punishment, and negative reward schedules. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95, 517-529. General and industrial management. Position power is the power a person derives from aparticular office or rank in a formal organizational system. (Ed.). Box 1.1  The Evolution of Leadership Definitions While many have a gut-level grasp of what leadership is, putting a definition to the term has proved to be a challenging endeavor for scholars and practitioners alike. A short summary of this paper. The Leader-Member Exchange Theory is a relationship-based approach that focuses on the relationship between leaders and followers. As a result, the number of definitions for lead- ership became a prolific stew with several persevering themes: • Do as the leader wishes. Similarly, scandals in thecorporate world (e.g., Enron and WorldCom) have led people to becomeskeptical of leaders who are not highly ethical. According to Hale & Fields (2007), “servant leaders place the good of followers over their own self-interests and emphasize follower development.” There are three servant leader behaviors the US Army doctrine uses (e.g. They found a large number of competencies (22)  Leadership in the NHS, Chapter 1 Introduction   15descriptive of both leadership and management (e.g., productivity, customerfocus, professionalism, and goal setting), but they also found several uniquedescriptors for each. For example, some managershave power because their followers consider them to be good role models.Others have power because their followers view them as highly competentor considerate. SAGE was founded in 1965 by Sara Miller McCune tosupport the dissemination of usable knowledge by publishinginnovative and high-quality research and teaching content.Today, we publish more than 750 journals, including thoseof more than 300 learned societies, more than 800 newbooks per year, and a growing range of library productsincluding archives, data, case studies, reports, conferencehighlights, and video. In essence, my purpose is to explore howleadership theory can inform and direct the way leadership is practiced.NEW TO THIS EDITION New to this volume is a chapter on adaptive leadership, which examines thenature of adaptive leadership, its underpinnings, and how it works. Like the other chapters, this chapter provides a theoreti-cal explanation of psychodynamic leadership, applications, cases studies, andan assessment instrument.This edition also includes an expanded discussion of the dark side of leader-ship and psuedotransformational leadership and the negative uses andabuses of leadership. In order to keep working inHaiti, he returned to America and founded Partners In Health, a charitablefoundation that raises money to fund these efforts. 120Strengths 122Criticisms 123Application 124Case Studies 125Case 6.1 Three Shifts, Three Supervisors 126Case 6.2 Direction for Some, Support for Others 128Case 6.3 Playing in the Orchestra 129Leadership Instrument 132Path–Goal Leadership Questionnaire 133Summary 135References 136  7. A tour guide who is knowledgeable about a foreign country has expert power.Legitimate Power Associated with having status or formal job authority. In this book, we describeeach theory and then explain how the theory can be used in real situations.Leadership Defined______________________________There are many ways to finish the sentence “Leadership is . . .” In fact, asStogdill (1974, p. 7) pointed out in a review of leadership research, there arealmost as many different definitions of leadership as there are people whohave tried to define it. Jobs once said, “I have thisreally incredible product inside me and I have to get it out” (Sculley, 2011,p. But Jobs never doubted his products would change the world, and,despite resistance, he did things the way he thought best.“Jobs was one of thoseCEOs who ran the company like he wanted to. Thechapter presents a definition, a model, and the latest research and applica-tions of this emerging approach to leadership. It emphasizes that leadership is not a linear,one-way event, but rather an interactive event. Authentic Leadership 19510. General Officers and Command Sergeant Majors) do an excellent job of conceptualizing. Determination is the desire to getthe job done and includes characteristics such as initiative, persistence, Political Leadership  Steve Jobs, Chapter 2 Trait Approach   25dominance, and drive. Although it is uncertain whether thesefindings apply to women as well, Smith and Foti suggested that these threetraits could be used to identify individuals perceived to be emergent leaders. More than a century has lapsed since leadership became a topic of academic introspection, and definitions have evolved continuously during that period. 205Strengths 206Criticisms 207Applications 208Case Studies 209Case 9.1 Am I Really a Leader? Each chapter in the book follows thesame format. Harrisburg, PA: Military Service Publications.Day, D. V., & Antonakis, J. Leadership: Theory and Practice (7th ed.). Clearly it is a component in the overall leadership process, butresearch on its role is limited.In her recent book, The End of Leadership (2012), Kellerman argues there hasbeen a shift in leadership power during the last 40 years. Leadership, as a process, applies to individuals in both assigned rolesand emergent roles.Related to leadership is the concept of power, the potential to influence.Thereare two major kinds of power: position and personal. Servant Leadership 225Description 225Servant Leadership Defined 226Historical Basis of Servant Leadership 226Ten Characteristics of a Servant Leader 227Building a Theory About Servant Leadership 229Model of Servant Leadership 231Antecedent Conditions 231Servant Leader Behaviors 233Outcomes 236Summary of the Model of Servant Leadership 238How Does Servant Leadership Work? 175Strengths 176Criticisms 178Application 180Case Studies 181Case 8.1 The Vision Failed 181Case 8.2 An Exploration in Leadership 183Case 8.3 Her Vision of a Model Research Center 185Leadership Instrument 187Summary 190References 191  9. Studying Power and Leadership   Bases of Power, Chapter 1 Introduction  11Table 1.2  Types and Bases of Power Personal Power Position Power Referent Legitimate Expert Reward Coercive InformationSOURCE: Adapted from A Force for Change: How Leadership Differs From Management(pp. New York: Free Press.Moore, B. V. (1927).The May conference on leadership. Corporations seek those withleadership ability because they believe they bring special assets to theirorganizations and, ultimately, improve the bottom line. The second survey was more balanced in its description ofthe role of traits and leadership. In short, the trait approach is alive and well. After decades of dissonance, leadership scholars agree on one thing: They can’t come up with a common definition for leadership. It includes legitimate, reward, infor-mation, and coercive power. Servant Leadership 22511. Columbus: Ohio State Uni- versity, Bureau of Educational Research.Hickman, G. R. Intelligence is described as having a positive impact on anindividual’s capacity for effective leadership.Self-ConfidenceSelf-confidence is another trait that helps one to be a leader. Being similar to the prototype makes leaders attractive to the groupand gives them influence with the group.The leadership approaches we discuss in the subsequent chapters of thisbook apply equally to assigned leadership and emergent leadership. The bottom line is that leadership is a complex con- cept for which a determined definition may long be in flux. In his second study, heanalyzed another 163 studies completed between 1948 and 1970. Ltd.3 Church Street This book is printed on acid-free paper.#10-04 Samsung HubSingapore 049483 15 16 17 18 19 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Acquisitions Editor:  Maggie Stanley Associate Editor:  Abbie Rickard Editorial Assistant:  Nicole Mangona Production Editor:  Libby Larson Copy Editor:  Melinda Masson Typesetter:  C&M Digitals (P) Ltd. Proofreader:  Sally Jaskold Indexer:  Sheila Bodell Cover Designer:  Gail Buschman Marketing Manager:  Liz Thornton Digital Content Editor: Katie Bierach, Brief ContentsPreface xvii 1. Stressingmutuality lessens the possibility that leaders might act toward followers inways that are forced or unethical. 1 - Treat your organization as an unfinished prototype 2 - No brag, just facts 3 - See yourself and your organization as others do_ Many managers are filled with optimism and inflated views of their talents and chances for success. A customized online action plan includes, xx  Leadership Theory and Practicetips and feedback on progress through the course and materials, whichallows students to individualize their learning experience. Gender and Leadership 397Crystal L. Hoyt and Stefanie SimonDescription 397The Glass Ceiling Turned Labyrinth 398Evidence of the Leadership Labyrinth 398Understanding the Labyrinth 399Gender Differences in Leadership Stylesand Effectiveness 401Navigating the Labyrinth 406Strengths 409Criticisms 410Application 411Case Studies 411Case 15.1 The “Glass Ceiling” 412Case 15.2 Lack of Inclusion and Credibility 413Case 15.3 Pregnancy as a Barrier to Job Status 414Leadership Instrument 415The Gender–Leader Implicit Association Test 416Summary 419References 42016. Into the 21st Century Debate continues as to whether leadership and management are separate processes, but emerging research emphasizes the process of leadership, whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal, rather than developing new ways of defining leadership. Other researchers go so far as to arguethat managers and leaders are different types of people, with managers beingmore reactive and less emotionally involved and leaders being more proactiveand more emotionally involved. I believe this is why US Army career leaders (e.g. 8  Leadership Theory and PracticeTo describe leadership as a trait is quite different from describing it as aprocess (Figure 1.1).The trait viewpoint conceptualizes leadership as a prop-erty or set of properties possessed in varying degrees by different people( Jago, 1982). Our emphasis ison how theory can inform the practice of leadership. New York: HarperCollins.Kotter, J. P. (1990). The process definition ofleadership is consistent with the definition of leadership that we have setforth in this chapter.Assigned Versus Emergent LeadershipSome people are leaders because of their formal position in an organization,whereas others are leaders because of the way other group members respondto them. At the same time, leadership bypersuasion was distinguished from “drivership” or leadership by coer-cion (Copeland, 1942).1950sThree themes dominated leadership definitions during this decade: • continuance of group theory, which framed leadership as what leaders do in groups; • leadership as a relationship that develops shared goals, which defined leadership based on behavior of the leader; and • effectiveness, in which leadership was defined by the ability to influence overall group effectiveness.1960sAlthough a tumultuous time for world affairs, the 1960s saw harmonyamongst leadership scholars. The US Army’s model of servant leadership helps sustain operations, complete the mission and fulfil commander priorities objectives. Group & Organization Management, 29(6), 659–685.Zaleznik, A. 274Strengths 275Criticisms 276Application 277Case Studies 279Case 11.1 Silence, Stigma, andMental Illness 279Case 11.2 Taming Bacchus 281Case 11.3 Redskins No More 283Leadership Instrument 286Adaptive Leadership Questionnaire 287Summary 292References 29312. Like this book? Introduction 1  2. I. Title.India HM1261.N67 2015 303.3′4—dc23   2014044695SAGE Publications Asia-Pacific Pte. From this viewpoint, leaders havepower that they wield to effect change in others. Attention tocommon goals gives leadership an ethical overtone because it stresses theneed for leaders to work with followers to achieve selected goals. Based ontheir analysis of a series of recent studies on intelligence and various indicesof leadership, Zaccaro et al. Path–Goal Theory 115Description 115Leader Behaviors 117 Directive Leadership 117 Supportive Leadership 117 Participative Leadership 118 Achievement-Oriented Leadership 118, Follower Characteristics 118Task Characteristics 119How Does Path–Goal Theory Work? paper)Mathura Road, New Delhi 110 044 1. We write high quality term papers, sample essays, research papers, dissertations, thesis papers, assignments, book reviews, speeches, book reports, custom web content and business papers. His analysis provides a succinct history of how leadership has been defined through the last century: 1900–1929 Definitions of leadership appearing in the first three decades of the 20th century emphasized control and centralization of power with a common theme of domination. Thetrait perspective suggests that certain people in our society have specialinborn qualities that make them leaders. 7–8) contended that both management and lead-ership are essential if an organization is to prosper. According to Northouse (2016), “it means using actions and words that clearly demonstrate to followers that their concerns are a priority, including pacing followers’ interest and success ahead of those of the leader.” Based on multiple personal experiences in the infantry, I routinely saw lower ranking soldiers eating before senior leadership. Leadership Ethics 329Description 329Ethics Defined 330Level 1. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications Ltd. Leadership that is based on occupying a posi-tion in an organization is assigned leadership. Self-confidenceis the ability to be certain about one’s competencies and skills. (2011). New York: Harper & Row.Copeland, N. (1942). Coercion runs counter toleadership because it does not treat leadership as a process that emphasizesworking with followers to achieve shared objectives.Leadership and management are different concepts that overlap. (1986) reassessed Mann’s (1959) findings using a moresophisticated procedure called meta-analysis. (2012). Finally, some scholars address leadership from askills perspective. New York: Free Press.Bennis, W. G., & Nanus, B. In the early 20thcentury, leadership traits were studied to determine what made certainpeople great leaders. Bennis and Nanus made thedistinction very clear in their frequently quoted sentence, “Managers arepeople who do things right and leaders are people who do the right thing”(p. 221).Rost (1991) has also been a proponent of distinguishing between leadershipand management. Bass and Stogdill’s handbook of leadership: A survey of theory and research. Adaptive Leadership 257Description 257Adaptive Leadership Defined 258A Model of Adaptive Leadership 260Situational Challenges 261Leader Behaviors 263Adaptive Work 273How Does Adaptive Leadership Work? 18  Leadership Theory and PracticeFleishman, E. A., Mumford, M. D., Zaccaro, S. J., Levin, K. Y., Korotkin, A. L., & Hein, M. B. In I. D. Steiner & M. Fishbein (Eds. Basically, integrity makes a leader believable and worthyof our trust.In our society, integrity has received a great deal of attention in recent years.For example, as a result of two situations—the position taken by PresidentGeorge W. Bush regarding Iraq’s alleged weapons of mass destruction andthe impeachment proceedings during the Clinton presidency—people aredemanding more honesty of their public officials. The prevailing definition of leadershipas behavior that influences people toward shared goals was under-scored by Seeman (1960) who described leadership as “acts by personswhich influence other persons in a shared direction” (p. 53).1970sThe group focus gave way to the organizational behavior approach,where leadership became viewed as “initiating and maintaining groupsor organizations to accomplish group or organizational goals” (Rost,1991, p. 59). In addition to thewriting style, several other features of the book help make it user-friendly. While there, he was accepted to Harvard MedicalSchool. A pattern approach to the study of leader emergence. For Burns, power is not an entity that leaders useover others to achieve their own ends; instead, power occurs in relationships.It should be used by leaders and followers to promote their collective goals.In this text, our discussions of leadership treat power as a relational concernfor both leaders and followers. Harvard Business Review, 55, 67–78. Leaders who use coercion areinterested in their own goals and seldom are interested in the wants andneeds of followers. He believed he knew moreabout it than anyone else, and he probably did,” said a colleague (Stone, 2011).DeterminationMany leaders also exhibit determination. It also increases the possibility that leadersand followers will work together toward a common good (Rost, 1991).  The Ethical Dimension of Leadership  Effective Leadership, Chapter 1 Introduction   7Throughout this text, the people who engage in leadership will be calledleaders, and those toward whom leadership is directed will be called followers.Both leaders and followers are involved together in the leadership process.Leaders need followers, and followers need leaders (Burns, 1978; Heller &Van Til, 1983; Hollander, 1992; Jago, 1982). New York: Free Press.Watson, C., & Hoffman, L. R. (2004). Learning objec-tives, multimedia links, discussion questions, and SAGE journal articles helpstudents study and reinforce the most important material. Whether you are looking for essay, coursework, research, or term paper help, or with any other assignments, it is no problem for us. A force for change: How leadership differs from management. Doing this will result in leaders garnering trust and respect from their followers which will enhance their commitment to the overall goal of promoting diversity. Authentic Leadership 195Description 195Authentic Leadership Defined 196Approaches to Authentic Leadership 197 Practical Approach 197 Theoretical Approach 200How Does Authentic Leadership Work? New York: Warner Books.Raven, B. H. (1965). Leadership and followership: Some summary propo- sitions. A social identity theory of leadership. xviii  Leadership Theory and Practicewell as many new case studies and examples that help students apply leader-ship concepts to contemporary settings.This edition retains many special features from previous editions but hasbeen updated to include new research findings, figures and tables, and every-day applications for many leadership topics including leader–memberexchange theory, transformational and authentic leadership, team leadership,the labyrinth of women’s leadership, and historical definitions of leadership.The format of this edition parallels the format used in earlier editions. Collec-tively, the research findings on leadership from all of these areas provide apicture of a process that is far more sophisticated and complex than the often-simplistic view presented in some of the popular books on leadership.This book treats leadership as a complex process having multiple dimensions.Based on the research literature, this text provides an in-depth description  Leadership Defined   Role of Leadership, 2  Leadership Theory and Practiceand application of many different approaches to leadership. When Jobsdescribed the devices he wanted to create, many people said they weren’tpossible. Therefore, I can conclude that servant leadership is a main component of the US Army leadership process (Northouse, 2016). ), Current studies in social psychology (pp. • Three case studies are provided in each chapter to illustrate common leadership issues and dilemmas. The leader-member exchange (LMX) theory argues that because of time pressures leaders establish a special relationship with a small group of their subordinates in the organization. Leaders: The strategies for taking charge. This book focuses on the leadership process thatoccurs when any individual is engaged in influencing other group membersin their efforts to reach a common goal.Leadership and PowerThe concept of power is related to leadership because it is part of the influ-ence process. Our definition. Personal Psychology, 57, 61-94. By takinga closer look at each of these reviews, we can obtain a clearer picture of howindividuals’ traits contribute to the leadership process.Stogdill’s first survey identified a group of important leadership traits thatwere related to how individuals in various groups became leaders. Leadership Seventh Edition, To Laurel, Lisa, Madison, Scott, and Kallie, Leadership Theory and Practice • Seventh Edition Peter g.Northouse Western Michigan University, For information: Copyright  2016 by SAGE Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.  Perspectives of Leadership, 6  Leadership Theory and PracticeDefinition and ComponentsDespite the multitude of ways in which leadership has been conceptualized,the following components can be identified as central to the phenomenon:(a) Leadership is a process, (b) leadership involves influence, (c) leadershipoccurs in groups, and (d) leadership involves common goals. The first section of each chapter briefly describes the leader-ship approach and discusses various research studies applicable to theapproach. The answer is an extended listof traits that individuals might hope to possess or wish to cultivate if theywant to be perceived by others as leaders. Per-sonal power includes referent and expert power (Table 1.2).In discussions of leadership, it is not unusual for leaders to be described aswielders of power, as individuals who dominate others. found thatintelligence, masculinity, and dominance were significantly related to howindividuals perceived leaders. Being determined includes showing dominance at times and insituations where followers need to be directed.Dr. People who adhere to a strong set ofprinciples and take responsibility for their actions are exhibiting integrity.Leaders with integrity inspire confidence in others because they can betrusted to do what they say they are going to do. We pay attention to how leaders work withfollowers to reach common goals.Leadership and CoercionCoercive power is one of the specific kinds of power available to leaders.Coercion involves the use of force to effect change. Fishbein(Eds. Social influence and power. Chapter 1 Introduction   9Figure 1.1  The Different Views of Leadership TRAIT PROCESSDEFINITION OF LEADERSHIP DEFINITION OF LEADERSHIP Leader LeaderLeadership • Height Leadership • Intelligence (Interaction) • Extraversion • Fluency • Other Traits Followers FollowersSOURCE: Adapted from A Force for Change: How Leadership Differs From Management(pp. (2016). Leadership is concernedwith effective goal accomplishment, and so is management. Team Leadership 36315. In these instances,power is conceptualized as a tool that leaders use to achieve their own ends.Contrary to this view of power, Burns (1978) emphasized power from arelationship standpoint. Only promote from within or relational standpoint 124–128.Mumford, M. a a linear, one-way event, but an... Style, several other features of the seven core values, especially ethical instilled. A posi-tion in an organization is assigned leadership format: it is particularly well suited asupplementary! 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